Alberta and British Columbia E-Bike Rebate Programs
Electric Bicycles are a progressive step towards an energy efficient lifestyle, yet some still shy away from purchasing them due to the bike’s cost; however, with the implementation of province-wide rebate programs, purchasing an E-Bike has become more cost-effective. These new rebates affiliated through the “Scrap-It” program work by helping put money back into Albertan and British Columbian pockets post E-Bike purchase, and keep older, high-polluting vehicles off the road.
E-bikes: Alberta - MMS Edmonton, Calgary
For Alberta, a $500 incentive amount will be rewarded back to those who are at least 19 years of age, have followed the 4 steps indicated on the “Scrap-It” website, and have purchased their E-Bike from a participating electric bike retailer within 30 days of scrapping their vehicle. Luckily Martin Motor Sports is a participating retailer for both the Alberta and BC programs where you can visit our Edmonton, Calgary, and Kelowna locations.
4 steps:
- Apply for the program - https://program.scrapit.ca/ab/application
- Receive an emailed approval in about 2 business days
- Scrap your car at one of the Scrap-It authorized drop off locations (the original registration certificate must be brought, not a photocopied version, and all registered owner(s) must be present at drop-off)
- Claim your rebate!
The Alberta program includes a $1000 E-Bike cost requirement that will not allow you to return your E-Bike after purchase and rebate claim, unless you are exchanging the bike for a different one from the same retailer. Please note that the rebate money MUST go towards the purchase of the bike itself and not accessories.
E-Bikes: British Columbia - MMS Kelowna
The brand-new British Columbia Electric Bike Rebate Program (starting June 1, 2023) slightly differs as it does not require you to scrap a vehicle, and includes rebates determined by net income. British Columbians can receive anywhere from $350-$1400, with the amount being approved and administered by the Scrap-It Society.
Like Alberta, British Columbia has a qualification age of at least 19, and again has only 4 easy steps to follow.
4 Steps:
- Apply for the program - https://bcebikerebates.ca/application/
- Receive an emailed approval email in about 2 business days
- Buy your E-Bike (minimum purchase of $2000 before taxes)
- Claim your rebate!
The BC Electric Bike Rebate Program is expected to benefit up to 9000 individuals due to the government’s 6-million-dollar investment, and it supports CleanBC’s goals through its encouragement of active transportation and public transit.
Returns - BC E-Bike Rebate Program
We do not accept returns from customers who participate in the BC E-Bike Rebate Program. We cannot provide you with a cash, debit refund, credit card refund, cash equivalent gift card or merchandise credit. Please make sure your decision to purchase an E-Bike is final.
Exchanges - BC E-Bike Rebate Program
If you are a customer who participated in the BC E-Bike Rebate Program and your E-Bike is in some way defective, it may only be exchanged for another E-Bike of equal value (same cost/price) or higher.
Ultimately, the Alberta and BC rebate programs are working to make eco-friendly transportation more affordable and accessible to everyone. For more in-depth information about how to claim your money, please refer to the Scrap-It website.
Shop Vamoose Electric Bikes
To complete the required step of an E-Bike purchase, come visit Martin Motor Sports to browse our diverse Vamoose collection: why look somewhere else and miss out on your rebate opportunities?